SuperCMR features

All documents in cloud

Keep track of all CMR waybills and get instant access to every document you created before.


Create CMR waybills faster thanks to autosuggest functionality.

Export to .pdf

Export filled document to .pdf format so you can print it or send it wherever you want.

Document activity

See who and when created or edited every CMR document.

Send .pdf by email

Create and send CMR documents right from SuperCMR system.

E-mail customization

Send system e-mails with your customised e-mail content.

Custom numbering

CMR documents can be numbered following your standards.

Custom branding

Add your own logo to CMR documents, and build your brand among your clients.

User collaboration

Invite and collaborate with other users in your organization.

User roles

Set roles for your users – currently available administrator or regular user roles.

Language combinations

Choose print language combinations for each generated CMR document.

Data import

Import data of your customers, carriers or products with easy .csv import.

Company stamp

Upload your commonly used stamp and use it as default attribute in CMR waybills. Save time and paper on printing and stamping by hand.

Your signature

Upload your signature and use it as default attribute in CMR waybill. Save time and paper on printing and signing it by hand.

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